FAQ & Good To Know
Why Colon Hydrotherapy?
According to the American Cancer Association, Colon Cancer is now the #2 cause of cancer induced deaths in the United States. Experiencing either constipation or diarrhea is the first sign indicating that the bowel is not functioning properly. It is possible for a person to have several bowel movements a day and still be constipated, accruing long term buildup of plaque along the colon wall. According to Dr. N. W. Walker (a leading specialist in Colon Health), “Health and sickness both have their roots in the colon.” We experience better health and an overall sense of well being when the colon is clean and functioning normally. If you are experiencing more than one of these problems, you may have a toxic colon: Fatigue, Gas, Bloating, Headaches, Constipation, Diarrhea, Irritability, Bad Breath, Body Odor, Arthritis, Acne and skin problems.
What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
A colon irrigation is an internal bath that helps cleanse the colon of poisons, gas, as well as years of accumulated even impacted fecal matter. Each session is 30-40 minutes on the average; this allows a gentle and steady flow of filtered water in and out of the colon. Unlike an enema, this procedure does not involve the retention of water. Colon Hydrotherapy is far more thorough than an enema as it can reach the entire five to six foot length of the colon rather than just effecting the recto-sigmoid area (first six inches). Generally, there is no pain or discomfort.
Are there any side effects?
There are no known negative side effects. A majority of the time, clients will usually use the words “lighter and energized” to describe how they feel after a session. It is possible, however, to feel fatigue an/or get a headache afterwards. This is generally due to toxins being flushed quickly, which can be reabsorbed into the system. This “yucky” feeling soon passes, and with further sessions the client can expect to see benefits while experiencing relief right away.
Will colon irrigation deplete my body of intestinal flora/good bacteria?
No. Most people who have accumulated impacted feces and toxins which encrust along the colon wall cannot create their own intestinal flora. Many people are mis-informed and believe colonics can flush out good bacteria, minerals, as well as nutrients out of the system. What many people do not realize is if your colon is not functioning properly because of possible encrusted accumulation, there is no possible way for your body to create friendly probiotics and flora on its own. Logic dictates that once this area is free of these toxic burdens, the body’s goal is to maintain homeostasis by reincculating with the assistance of fiber and water.
Can you have too many colon irrigations?
Like anything, even too much of a good thing can be less than beneficial. Everyone is bio-individual and must consider their genetic makeup, lifestyle and nutritional habits. The best step towards good health is to see a reputable and certified therapist. Together you will set up a schedule of treatments that are right for you.
Are you sure it doesn't hurt?
Yes. If anyone experiences discomfort during a session, it is usually a pocket of gas working its way out of the colon. Once it has passed, discomfort or sensation of fullness will pass and the cleansing process will continue.
What can I do to optimize my colon irrigation?
Although we are not doctors and cannot prescribe, we find that our clients have better results the better hydrated they are. If you know yourself to be chronically de-hydrated, most of our clients have reported that drinking as much as a gallon the day before the session give the body time to absorb and assimilate the water. Do not wait to drink all of your water until the day of the session, because if your bladder is full, you can experience discomfort.
Do Cleanse products you buy on-line or in stores do the same thing as a colon irrigation?
Same idea, but they work a little differently. We have found that majority of products on the market are not very efficatious, or if they are, they can be too harsh on your system. There is also no regulation on over the counter supplements, so you have to do your research. Make sure the product is clean and safe and manufactured by a conscientious company, or better yet, endorsed by a health provider you trust.
Most of the feedback we get from our clients is that they find the best cleanses is to combine the two. Our clients have reported that taking oral cleansing products in conjunction with colon irrigation with a certified therapist generally is the most efficient way to cleanse.
How to prepare for your session
We find that our clients have better results the better hydrated they are. If you know yourself to be chronically de-hydrated, most of our clients have reported that drinking as much as a gallon the day before their session, gives the body time to absorb and assimilate the water. Do not wait to drink all of your water until the day of the session, because if your bladder becomes full during your session, you may experience discomfort.
Please be sure to eat something nourishing the day of a session (unless you are under a doctor’s care and/or fasting). Eating a meal 2 – 4 hours before your session is ideal. Do not eat or drink anything within two hours of your session.
24-hour Cancellation Policy
If you cannot keep your scheduled appointment time, please call or e-mail the office a minimum of 24-hours prior to scheduled time. Appointments missed with a no-call/no-show or cancelled with less than 24-hours notice will automatically have a fee of $80 charged to your credit card and/or subtracted from your package series if applicable. We cannot proceed with your colonic session if you are more than 15 minutes late, and you are financially responsible for that “missed” appointment. Payment is expected at time of service.
We ask our clients to honor our therapist’s time and not dispute our cancellation policy. If your schedule is unreliable and you know there is a possibility of you not keeping an appointment with us, please do not make the appointment. We suggest you call us for last minute availability to avoid being charged for a missed appointment.
We generally call to confirm your appointments two to three days in advance to give you an opportunity to cancel before the 24-hour period. If for any reason, you do not receive a confirmation call, you are still responsible for the appointment you made. Our confirmation call to you is meant as a courtesy call only.
Informed Consent
Cleanse Chicago and our Associates do not prescribe (order for use as medicine) for you at any time. Colon hydrotherapy is only for the removal of waste from the colon and has no scientifically proven medical benefits. The therapist is simply helping you with natural hygiene at your request, and is not diagnosing nor treating disease, nor practicing, nor prescribing any form of medicine. Cleanse Chicago does not claim that colon cleansing, nor supplemental material that we provide or speak of, will cure any condition or that its purpose is to treat and/or prevent any condition.
All clients of Cleanse Chicago agree to fully and honestly disclose their health history, and therefore take full responsibility for their health, and will alert their therapist if their health status changes.
All information you provide us is private & confidential. We do not share your personal information without your explicit and written permission.
Colon Hydrotherapy
If you are currently taking medication for any condition, prescription or not, you may want to check with your doctor before using any colon cleansing device. If you have ever been diagnosed with any intestinal condition or have taken any medication that can weaken the intestinal walls you should check with your Primary Health Care Provider before colon cleansing.
Abdominal Hernia
Carcinoma of the Colon
Congestive Heart Failure
GI Hemorrhage/Perforation
Renal Insufficiency
Recent Abdominal Surgery (within 6 months)
Severe Anemia
Severe Hemorrhoids
Ulcerative Colitis
Uncontrolled Hypertension
Rectal Surgery
Cardiac Condition
Active Colitis
Intestinal perforations
Indications Under Doctor Prescription/Supervision:
Crohn’s Disease
Early Pregnancy
Ionic Foot Bath
Organ Transplant
Pacemaker, or any other battery operated, electrical or metal implants
Be advised if you are on dialysis, have diabetes, and/or any other medical condition, you should consult with your physician.
Far Infrared Sauna
Serious Inflammation
Acute Bleeding
Communicable Disease
Clients under the age of 18 are not permitted in the infrared sauna unless accompanied by an supervising adult. Infrared sauna sessions are limited to a maximum of 30-minutes per day. Hydration is key before and after sauna use. Do not use any chemicals or lotions prior to sauna use. If you feel dizzy during your sauna session, immediately inform your therapist.
Ear Candling
Recent Ear Surgery
Ear Drum Rupture
Cysts in the ears
Tubes in ears
Artificial Eardrum
Cochlear Implant
If you are not sure if ear candling is safe for you and your specific symptoms, seek out an Otolaryngologist to receive a proper diagnosis.
New Client Information
Cleanse Chicago required a valid credit card on file to hold initial client’s appointment. Company policy does not allow anyone to reserve our therapist’s time without a credit card. The authorization is a verification there are funds in the account, in the event that the client fails to show up for their initial appointment. The verified funds will then be post-authorized and the charge will be completed. An authorization of a debit card freezes the funds in your account. Due to the lack of access to these funds, we suggest you use a credit card instead of a debit card. Once an authorization has been processed, it cannot be reversed. The funds are held at the discretion of your bank. The authorization can be held from two to four weeks depending on your banking institution.
Do not eat anything raw (such as a sushi or salad), spicy, or rich (heavy sauces) after a colonic. You want to pamper your system with light and easy to digest food. Good examples would be grilled or steamed vegetables, light proteins such as chicken or fish, or soups (no cream bases). Avoid alcohol the day of a session.
What to Expect
Most people report feeling energized and lighter after a colon hydrotherapy session. On very rare occasions, it is possible to get a headache or feel tired. There is no reason for alarm, sometimes drinking more water and taking a nap will help alleviating these symptoms.
It is perfectly reasonable to go about your day in a normal fashion after a colon hydrotherapy session. Some people attend a yoga class. They find they can move more freely and unencumbered after a session. If it is your very first session, we recommend you stay close to a restroom. If nothing happens after fifteen minutes, you should be fine for the rest of the day.
The administration of a colon hydrotherapy session reaches the entire 5-6 foot length of your colon. Because of this, it may take 2-3 days after your session for you to eliminate on your own. Certain body types may eliminate prior to that time period.
Package refunds
The promotional value of all colonic packages expire 3 months from your last appointment. We do not recommend package purchases if you do not plan to receive colonic sessions on a seasonal basis. Package refunds are available within 30 days minus a $25.00 processing fee. Package refunds will not be given after 30 days from date of purchase.